Golden Gate Restaurant Equipment Inc.

Est. 1992

Restaurant Equipment and supply in Houston, TX

Due to the coronavirus outbreak our hour and lead times have changed . please e-mail ( us for more info

BBQ display table with 6 pan steam table 

BBQ display table with 6 pan steam table 

Sever side of single side serving table with 8 pan. 

Sever side of single side serving table with 8 pan. 

Nine pan buffet table

Nine pan buffet table

Server side of BBQ display table with 6 pan steam table 

Server side of BBQ display table with 6 pan steam table 

Single side 4 pan buffet table 

Single side 4 pan buffet table 

8 pan server table 

8 pan server table 

Custom steam and chilled buffet table with plate/tray holder, and tray guide rail.

Custom steam and chilled buffet table with plate/tray holder, and tray guide rail.